Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good and Welfare Update

Tuesday, July 29th, the Good and Welfare Committee sponsored a wings cook-off competition. STA IV Hays and STA I T. Smith tied for first place. The fundraiser raised $133.25 to be used toward the purchase of a television for the break room. Thanks to all that helped and participated in the fun.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mediation Moves Negotiations Forward

Mediation Moves Negotiations Forward
But Management Still Pushing for Huge Health Care Cost Increases

At the end of June the AFSCME Bargaining Committee broke off negotiations and invoked its right to call in a mediator, mutually chosen by the Union and Management. The Committee agreed to extend the contract through the first mediation session. That session was held on July 14-15 with Edwin Benn, a highly-experienced labor relations professional, serving as the mediator and the entire AFSCME Bargaining Committee in attendance.

Bargaining Committee Stands Firm To Protect Retiree Health Care

There was some real progress made in this mediation session. Throughout the seven months of bargaining, Management has been insisting on drastically raising retiree health care premiums. Currently employees with 20 years of service pay no premiums for health care coverage when they retire.

Management was insisting that all new hires, as well as many current employees, pay as much as 50% of the cost of their retiree health care premiums—no matter how many years they ended up working for the state.

The Bargaining Committee has been standing firm against this drastic cost increase for retiree health care. And with the help of the mediator, Management finally got the message that the Union had no intention of making all retirees pay.

Management agreed to withdraw all elements of its proposal to make future retirees pay more for their retiree health care premiums! This means the current structure will remain in place—with employees who work 20 years paying nothing for their retiree health premiums.

Management Holds Out for Big Increases in Health Care Costs

Unfortunately, Management is still insisting on a host of drastic increases in health care costs for active employees – in co-pays, deductibles, prescription drugs and out-of-pocket maximums, as well as big premium increases.

And despite the mediator’s best efforts, Management refused to back off these drastic health care cost increase proposals. Gov. Blagojevich says he wants affordable health care for all Illinois citizens—but he’s actually trying to make health care less affordable for his own employees.

Under Management’s health care proposal…

  • Employees could pay as much as $65 more per month toward their health care premiums.
  • The limit on employees’ maximum out-of-pocket liability in any one year for health care costs would increase by 50%
  • Mail order drug costs would increase by 25%
  • In-patient co-pays would increase by as much as 40% and out-patient co-pays would increase as much as 65%.
  • All told, employees could end up paying thousands of dollars more per year for their health care coverage if they faced serious illness in their family.

Mediation Session Scheduled; Contract Extended

The AFSCME Bargaining Committee said “NO WAY” to these huge cost increases. When it became clear that the mediation process had stalled, the mediator recommended that another session be scheduled.

The Union Bargaining Committee voted to participate in another mediation session which will be held August 13-14—and to further extend the contract until that session.

The only way state employees will get the contract we deserve is if all AFSCME members get involved in the fight.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Participate in the “Green Solidarity Day” at your worksite every week.
  • Sign an AFSCME pledge card to make clear your determination to do whatever it takes to protect your health insurance and your standard of living.
  • Participate in community outreach, informational picketing and protests against the Governor when your local union is sponsoring these events in your area.