Friday, December 19, 2008

December Labor Management


Present for Management: Director Larry Phillips, Assistant Director Brian Thomas, Security
Director Eugene McAdory, Personnel Director Kendra Robeson, and Labor Relations Andrea Leake
Present for the Union: AFSCME Representative Chuck Stout, President Travis Houzenga,
Vice President Amy Clark, Secretary Terri Vaniter, Treasurer Jerry Markley, and Executive Board Travis Smith
Absent for the Union: Executive Board Brian Cooper

In-House Postings Mr. Houzenga stated that he doesn’t know if it can be done. People who
are interested in bettering their days off wondered if we lose people, and we have no funding for vacancies, would they possible be able to move into that position? The Director said that is something I am going to have to look at. Mr. Houzenga said that he knows there are a couple of individuals who have left 3rd shift and a Sgt. on 2nd shift, so there’s not a whole lot. The Director said, "Let me do some looking into this. Give me some time. I will meet back with you on this." Mr. Houzenga said, "That works."
STA IV Equalization of Overtime Mr. Houzenga said that the members are calling for the
overtime to be equalized and according to the contract that is the way it is supposed to be offered.
Mr. McAdory said, "I agree. The STA IV overtime will be equalized."
Scheduling changes Mr. Houzenga said that some days of the week changes are taking place,
and they are not as a result of call offs. There is some tweaking done at the last minute. People are coming prepared based on what they know the day before, then they get changed and have all this extra stuff to lug around because their assignment was changed. Can’t any tweaking be done the day before? Like I said, they are not as a result of call offs. People are feeling as though they are getting punished or slighted. One Captain in particular is doing the changes. Mr. McAdory said that he will attempt to make minimal changes. Some of th last minute changes have been made by me, and Mr. Williams has received direction from me. These changes are based on writ scheduling, concerns within a unit, information received from the Director, etc. I will try to keep it at a minimum, but when changes are made it is not directed at anyone. Mr. Stout asked about cases when no direction is received from you. Mr. McAdory indicated that no changes would be made. The Director wanted to know if we were talking about Thanksgiving. Mr. Houzenga said that it happens on a fairly regular basis.
Copies of Counseling Mr. Houzenga said that we were making progress on the
counselings - they were sitting down with staff and discussing things, etc. Now we’re not getting copies of the counselings. The Director said that we are getting that taken care of. I am tweaking this. This is not a problem - direction was not filtering down.
Radio Traffic - Maintenance Mr. Houzenga said that they have a suggestion of putting
Maintenance on 7 and the capability to scan, so if they need to address security, they could go to 1. The Director said that he has been looking at decreasing radio traffic. I want to make sure the communication is clear. I think we will try to get them on 7, but it may get to the point that you might have to call Chris Denison and leave a message. There was something previously on the scanning. I agree that we need to cut down. Be patient while we try to work this out. Mr. Houzenga said that they have to get with Shift Commander for this. Mr. Markley said, "Doesn’t the Shift Commander have 7 on their radio?" Mr. McAdory said, "No." Mr. T. Smith asked about Entry Control - do they have 7? The Director stated that we will check on Entry. Ms. Clark said that she didn’t think they did. Mr. McAdory called Entry, and they have no Channel 7 capabilities. The Director said that we will take a look at the program.
Supplemental Mr. Houzenga asked what Management’s intensions were on this. The
Director said that we are tweaking a few things, and we will be ready in the next couple of weeks - after the first of the year. Mr. Stout asked if Management would have a proposal for the Union? The Director asked if the Union had any changes. Mr. Stout said that they are not asking for this. If you have changes, you need to get with us, and we will discuss with you. The Director indicated that we are not looking any major changes, just a couple of things. Let’s look at the week of January 5th. It was decided that a meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 6th at 10A, for discussion.
General Discussion Ms. Clark indicated that vacation scheduling will be starting in January.
Mr. Houzenga asked if we got a number. Ms. Clark stated that Mr. Winters is only looking at a change on the Captains on first shift.
Mr. Markley asked about the Property Clerk - what is their job - resident or TDF property? They are handling resident property, but also passing out things to the Control Centers. Mr. McAdory said that the Personal Property STA is for the residents property; however, when supplies are ordered, they will assist in distributing on the units. Mr. Thomas said that the Store Keepers deliver to a cost center - Liberty, Units, Health Care, etc. Mr. McAdory stated that each area is in charge of their own items. Sometimes a Movement STA is free and delivers. It’s whoever has a few minutes.
The Director stated that his office put out a memo a couple of weeks ago about ensuring that his office receives original incident reports. We had discussed in this meeting about staff receiving copies of their incident reports once they’ve turned them in, and I’ve started receiving only copies in my office instead of the originals. Ms. Clark said that sometimes the STA turns their report into the Sgt., and if they get busy, the STA doesn’t get their copy. The Director said that if you don’t get a copy back, come to my office the next day, and we’ll get you a copy of it.
Mr. T. Smith talked about certain residents who can only be moved by ERT members. Lester is one of them. I can be on the unit with him all day long, but I can’t move him a few feet if he needs to go to Health Care. Mr. McAdory stated that there is a reason for that. If you recall when Pickett first came, we introduced a step down process - minimal amount of privileges, and gradually letting him progress based on his behavior. Lester came in, and we put him under tight scrutiny. Nothing changes without mine and the Director’s direction. As he has progressed, we gave back some things. Movement outside the unit was the last thing he was going to get. The step down process involves ERT. We got this process from Florence, CO, and it has proved to be successful. Lester is at that final step, and we are looking at moving him to normal activities after Christmas. The Director said, "This is nothing against you." Ms. Clark said that they did ask for something after the Pickett thing. Sometimes we get that information in Briefing and sometimes we don’t. The Director said that we try to share as much information as we can, but we didn’t even know the guy was coming yesterday until we heard radio traffic that they were on their way here. Mr. McAdory said, "Patterson - more of a Mental Health case than an assault case." Ms. Clark asked about Hillebrand - he’s another one. You can’t put him off on his issues. Mr. McAdory said that hopefully they will get him to consent to treatment.
Ms. Vaniter asked about the procedure if a resident makes comments in group about possibly hurting staff. The Therapist told staff that night, but it wasn’t relayed on to other staff on the unit. Mr. McAdory said that kind of information should reach his office. Something similar happened this morning. If we believe a person may attack someone, that better get all the way up to my level. Ms. Vaniter said that she just heard about it through the grapevine. Mr. McAdory said that a possible resolution would be to place the resident in Temp Special. The Director indicated that he wants to hear these things clear up in his office. I would rather take them out of the mix. We will try to share as much information as we can. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.

The next Labor Management Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 20, 2009, at 11A.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Members Meeting Minutes 12/10/08

LOCAL 3416

Meeting called to order at 1530.

Members Present: T. Houzenga, A. Clark, T. Vaniter, K. Parker, B. Booth, Ehrgott, Orril, A. Mercer, D. Mercer, Logan, Retzer, Buhlig, Hall, Cobb, Clairmont, R. Kelly, Swan, Z. Johnson, Armstrong, Walker, T. Smith, Seymour, C. Dougherty, Lay, Kokas, S. Hayes, Cook. Also present C. Stout.

Minutes: 10/08 Minutes approved as written. Meeting not held in 11/08.

Presidents Report:

*Labor/Management 11/08 - Minutes posted on bulletin.

*11/08 Members Meeting cancelled due to a training/seminar for e-board members. Teamwork and leadership skills were addressed as well as taking on additional responsibilities.

*Heartland Holiday Appeal - Letter of Appeal sent to all locals state-wide from Henry Bayer on behalf of workers at Heartland who have been on strike for 17-months. Heartland is a private direct care facility for alcohol and substance abuse patients as well as DD adults. Heartland has a staff of 34. Small donations from each local would add up to help these families who have been struggling for a long time. Motion made by Ehrgott to make a $100 token donation and motion seconded by Buhlig. Motion carried and local 3416 will send $100.

*Tinley Park/Howe/Pontiac - Meeting scheduled for 12/11/08 regarding impact if these facilities should close. Due to court order, Pontiac inmates are not being transferred at this time. There is talk that Tinley Park may be privatized and all work contracted out. Currently, our facility contracts out dietary and healthare. If Tinley Park privatizes, it may mean the beginning of many changes for state-wide facilities.

Treasurer’s Report: Not available.

Health & Safety Committee: This committee is now headed by K. Parker. Members from 2nd shift are needed. There will be a sign-up sheet in entry building and/or if interested, contact K. Parker.

Stewards Committee: B. Cooper will head committee. A meeting will be scheduled in near future.

Membership Committee: This is a newly formed committee and will be headed by T. Smith. Mr. Smith welcomes interest from members.

Good & Welfare Committee:
*STA Clayton won Chili cook-off. Mr. Clayton is a 2-time champ.

*Adult Christmas Party was held at Route 67 on 12/6/08.

*Family Christmas Party will be held 12/14/08 at Virginia House. Gifts have been purchased for children. Committee will need help in wrapping which will done in briefing room during lunch hours 12/11 and 12/12. Help is also needed in cooking the ham(s) and turkey(s) - 2 meats for each shift. Photos will be taken at party.
The G&W Committee, in support of Schuyler County, will have a drop off box for Christmas baskets. You may drop off food, clothing and/or toys for the needy.

The G&W Committee asked the union for a donation to help offset costs of the Christmas Parties which will near $1000. Clark made motion to give a $500 donation to the committee and Logan seconded motion.

New Business:

*Pies were served during Members Meeting. Booth made motion to have local cover the pie expense and T. Smith seconded the motion.

*Concerns were made about radio traffic. Maintenance uses common channel frequently. Per Houzenga, this subject has been brought up at Labor/Managerment during previous meeting and Director decided not to act. Subject will be brought up at next L/M Meeting.

*Management has mentioned their interest in opening up Supplemental. Union is waiting on Management. The Governor may request each Department open their Supplementals since some are very old and need a review. TDF(s) is a fairly new Supplemental. If Management does decide to open, the union either accepts or declines. Addendums and/or side letters are a better way to go.

*Incident Reports - C. Dougherty addressed subject. Incident reports are a report of one’s opinions. If ordered to write one, you have the right to include in report that you were under direct order to write such report. Insubordination will then be avoided. Always make a copy, and the union office has a file for reports.

*Pocket calendars - distribution to members was made by M.A.T.

*Subject of 10-hour days is rumor only.

C. Dougherty was winner of incentive drawing! Local paid out a total of $200 since she was an M.V.P. member as well. Congratulations!!

Meeting adjourned at 1610. Retzer made motion and seconded by a majority of members present.

Next Members Meeting scheduled for 1/14/09 at Deb & Di’s.

T. Vaniter, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Heartland Holiday Appeal‏

Council 31 -

This week will mark the 17th month that AFSCME members at Heartland Human Services in Effingham have been on the picket line.

On Friday, December 12 the Council will be hosting a Christmas Party for the Heartland workers beginning at 6:00 PM at VFW Post 769, 2304 Veterans Drive in Effingham. Joining the festivities will be Pat Quinn, the Lieutenant Governor of Illinois.
We would like to invite each of you to attend the party and to bring gifts -- foodstuffs, toys, giftcards, or whatever your local would like to donate -- to the workers and their families.

If you prefer, or if you cannot attend and would like to write a check, you may make it payable to the Solidarity Holiday Fund and send it to the Council 31 office in Springfield. We have enclosed a form for your convenience.

We hope that you can join the party to show your solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are spending their second holiday season on the picket line.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Help Stop Howe DC and Tinley Park MHC Closures‏

Council 31 -

As you may know, Gov. Blagojevich is attempting to close down Howe Developmental Center and the Tinley Park Mental Health Center. These facilities provide essential services to some of our state's neediest citizens. Howe DC provides residential habilitative programs for individuals with severe developmental disabilities, while Tinley provides inpatient treatment for individuals with severe mental illness. Those who rely on these facilities are almost invariably individuals who could not be served by community programs which offer less intensive services.

Not only would these closures cause serious harm to individuals in need, but they would also threaten the jobs of the hundreds of AFSCME members who provide these vital services, many of whom live in minority communities already hard hit by the recession.

It is essential that all of us in AFSCME come together to mount the strongest possible resistance to the closure of Tinley and Howe. If your members live in Cook, Will or Kankakee counties, they could be directly impacted by these closures if they ever needed care for a loved one with serious disabilities. If your members work at other state-operated mental health or developmental centers, they could see their own jobs at risk as closing Tinley and Howe could open the door for wholesale downsizing. But no matter where your members work, the threat of these closures calls out for a strong expression of union solidarity.

On Thursday, December 11, the General Assembly's Commission on Governmental Forecasting and Accountability will hold a public hearing on the Governor's closure plans for Howe and Tinley. We've attached a flyer with further information on this hearing. Please distribute this flyer to your activists right away--and begin organizing the large possible delegation of your members to attend this hearing. Even if you can't get there by 4 PM, or can't stay till the end, it's critical that you bring as many people as possible for as long as possible.

AFSCME UPDATE for PSA Option 6 Employees

Council 31-

It’s been a long time coming. But at last there is good news to report from the Labor Board!

As of December 2, 2008, the Illinois Public Employee Labor Relations Board has certified AFSCME Council 31 as the collective bargaining agent for Public Service Administrators, Option 6.

AFSCME’s original representation petition sought to incorporate Option 6 employees into our RC-62/63 bargaining unit. However, as a result of issues which arose from SEIU’s petition, the Labor Board insisted on certifying Option 6 employees as a new, separate bargaining unit. The Union is now in discussions with the State . We are seeking to include PSA Option 6 employees under the language in the AFSCME Master Contract for RC-62/63 employees, We are hopeful that this issue will be resolved quickly so that you can have the full protection of an AFSCME contract immediately.

We know how important those contractual rights are to you. And AFSCME has done everything possible to push the Labor Board and CMS to move swiftly to resolve outstanding issues so that you can become full and active participants in the Union.

Despite the delay in certification, the union was successful in preventing management’s scheduled layoffs of CFS Option 6 employees along with those of other CFS employees scheduled to take place on December 1. But now you have an official bargaining agent and the protections that brings.

In the coming weeks, Council 31 will be moving forward to schedule regional meetings with PSA's across the State. The meeting notices will go out shortly. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Greg Popek at 1-800-697-4645 ext. 5383.
Welcome to AFSCME!