Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Scott Walker is coming to Springfield! Yes, Wisconsin’s governor—the man who led the charge to demolish collective bargaining rights for public employees in that state—is coming to our state capitol.
Can you be there on Tuesday, April 17, to make sure Scott Walker knows he’s not welcome in Illinois? Walker will be speaking to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce's annual Lobby Day, with a key focus on cutting public employee pensions. Walker slashed pension benefits in Wisconsin—and now big Illinois corporations want his help to do it here.
Today, public employees in Wisconsin no longer have the right to bargain collectively over wages, benefits and conditions of employment. Their pension benefits are lower and their health insurance costs higher.
We have to make sure that Illinois politicians get the message loud and clear that Scott Walker and his extreme politics are not welcome in our state. We’ll be there at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 17, in front of the Abraham Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, to make our voices heard. Please join us! Check with your local union about buses, vans or car pools that may be coming from your area.
Whether you can be there in Springfield or not, you can help to “unwelcome” Walker by taking a minute right now to send a message to the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. Click here to urge the Chamber's board of directors to rescind Walker's invitation.
Scott Walker is spearheading a nationwide movement—backed by the big bucks of the Koch Brothers—to wipe out public sector unions and lower the standard of living of all working families. We can’t let this attack on the middle class go unchallenged. You can help stand up against it in Springfield on Tuesday, April 17.
Henry Bayer
Executive Director
AFSCME Council 31