Friday, March 2, 2012

Message from Henry Bayer

Brothers and Sisters,

We're fighting with everything we have to stop Governor Quinn's terrible budget plan that would close important state facilities and offices and lay off thousands of employees. All across Illinois, AFSCME Council 31 staff is working with local unions and members like you to build coalitions against threatened closures, reach out to legislators and spread the word through the news media about the harm Pat Quinn's cuts would cause. And we're making plans for our statewide Day of Action to oppose these cuts, set for March 15.

Today we launched a tough new radio ad called "Shared Sacrifice" that is airing statewide, as well as an online petition and a Facebook page dedicated to stopping Governor Quinn's damaging cuts.

I hope you will be among the first to hear the radio spot and sign the petition at

After you have listened to our radio message and signed the petition, please share them with your friends. We all have a stake in saving public services like public safety and care for the most vulnerable -- not to mention protecting good, middle-class, union jobs. And to do that, we all need to get involved and make our voices heard.

In solidarity,

Henry Bayer
Executive Director
AFSCME Council 31

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