Monday, October 6, 2008

PSA Option 6’s

The vote count in the Option 6 election has finally been completed—and AFSCME won overwhelmingly!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wexford TDF

The Wexford employees have elected Karen Carey as a delegate to negotiate their contract starting next week. Good luck Karen!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wexford/HPL Facilities

It is time for the Local Unions to select Wexford / HPL bargaining committee representatives.

PSA Option 6 Vote Count set for Monday, October 6th‏

The Labor Board has set the PSA Option 6 vote count for Monday, October 6th at 9:30am. The State has withdrawn their challenges to PSA Option 6 employees who were eligible at the time of the vote and is in the process of producing signature exemplars. Despite what the service employees have been claiming, the Labor Board stopped the count as a result of the State‘s challenges regarding voter eligibility.