Monday, May 18, 2009

Brothers and Sisters,

Legislators can't avoid the ugly reality of the $12 billion state budget deficit any longer. Those who say the budget should be balanced by cuts instead of tax increases are on the spot. In a speech Monday the Governor made clear what a "doomsday" budget--one with no new revenues--would look like.

In addition to devastating cuts to K-12 and higher education, health care, transportation, local government and more, that doomsday scenario includes the closure of all four state veterans homes, half the state parks and all the historic sites, 1 in every 5 DHS field offices, and six prisons and youth centers--coupled with the release of 6,500 inmates. As Governor Quinn himself said, "to legislators who think we have to cut, maybe they can take those prisoners home to their own houses.

"The doomsday budget would slash state agencies by 37 percent, forcing thousands upon thousands of state-employee layoffs and decimating the services we provide.

There's not a moment to waste. We have to say NO WAY to doomsday, stand up for a fair budget--and demand that our legislators join us.

That's why AFSCME Council 31 launched our aggressive Fair Solutions for a Fair Budget campaign. Thousands of union members and retirees already attended Fair Budget forums and made their voices heard. Now we're turning up the heat.

This week, it is critical that you call, e-mail and fax your legislators. Tell senators and representatives what you do, why your work is vitally needed, and that they must support the new taxes necessary to prevent the doomsday plan's deep service cuts and thousands of layoffs. Your local union stewards and officers are putting this outreach program into action in worksites everywhere, so see them for more information.

And AFSCME is launching a comprehensive media campaign to take our message directly to legislators while they're at the state capitol in Springfield this week. That campaign will include TV and radio ads and a new interactive Web site.

As a member of the AFSCME Council 31 Action Center, you'll be among the first to know of new developments. Please take a moment to click "Tell A Friend" below--and let all your co-workers know how they can get updates like this one, plus important action alerts.

In solidarity,
Henry Bayer
Executive DirectorAFSCME Council 31

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